Living lives of authentic worship, while leading others to do the same.
People often complicate what worship is within the local church and the life of the believer. Worship is not a service or a time in it. It is not a list of songs or a particular style. Worship is a lifestyle, and at Central we believe that we are to live lives of worship to God in spirit and truth as John 4:24 explains. Therefore, our goal as the worship and music ministry is to live lives of authentic worship to God, leading others to do the same. Biblical worship is simply loving God more than anything (see Matt. 22:37). As created beings, man can not help but worship something. The thing or person that is most important to man is what he worships. God is worthy of our worship, He initiates it and we are to respond to Him!
Music & the Arts
Being that man was created in God’s image, man also has the capacity to create. Man is to be creative. The arts often serve as man’s medium to create, which explains why music is such a large part of man’s worship to God. While music is not the only way to worship God, it is certainly one of the best tools to use in our worship, especially in a corporate setting. Scripture even commands believers to use music to praise God (Psalm 96, 150, etc.)! God made music for that reason. At Central, we seek to use music to glorify God and Him alone. He is the only one worthy of our worship, and He deserves the best that we have musically. Music both prepares our hearts for continued worship and gives us an opportunity to respond to God’s truth.