Home Groups:
Central home groups are scattered throughout Vance, Warren, and Granville counties and encourage growth with God and in godly relationships through group fellowship, Scripture application, and prayer. Typically these groups meet on Sunday evenings and include children and students as important members of the group.
Sunday School Groups:
Have you ever been confused on how to have your own Bible study? Come join us Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 in the Fellowship building as we search the Word of God together. This time is designed to grow the church by equipping believers to search through the Scriptures together in a fun open environment that is built upon discussion and rigorous engagement with the text. All classrooms are studying through the same text of Scripture, which will help to encourage discussion outside of the class and further solidify what is being learned. It is also a wonderful way to connect with others within the Church to deepen the fellowship of the body as we all search the Word together. Current Sunday School
Wednesday Evenings:
Are you interested in the Christian’s walk, practice, and growing deeper in your relationship with God? Our Wednesday night bible studies are centered on the Word of God and are primarily topic based. Each topic we study is striving to relate to different groups that make up the larger body of the church: men, women, couples, families. The studies are listed in our bulletin, sent out in our weekly emails and are frequently announced each week when a new study is about to start so stay on the lookout for something that you may be interested in. Join us for dinner at 5:30 in the Fellowship Building before a study.
Central Men:
Our Men’s Ministry exists to equip men by coming alongside them as they fulfill their responsibility to make disciples. As men are called by God to be the leaders of their homes and to reflect a proper view of manhood in our culture, we desire to help them thrive as husbands, fathers, and brothers in Christ as they grow in the Lord throughout life. We desire to accomplish this by helping them grow spiritually through weekly Bible studies, relationally through annual retreats and other gatherings, and to provide opportunities for them to lead their families in worship through the corporate gathering each Sunday.
Central Women:
Our Women’s Ministry exists to help women flourish in their relationship with Christ and fulfill their responsibility to make disciples. As women are called by God to reflect the gift of helpmate within their home, as well as, reflect a proper view of biblical womanhood in our culture, we desire to equip them to succeed as wives, mothers, and sisters in Christ as they grow in the Lord. We seek to facilitate this growth through meaningful weekly Bible studies, relationally through annual retreats, conferences and other gatherings, and to provide opportunities for them to come alongside other believers in the weekly gathering of the Church each Sunday.